Originally seven cities up and down the coast were under review for the terminus of the proposed Trans Dominion Railway. In 1877 the Fraser River route was chosen, “terminating in Burrard Inlet.”…
In our researches we occasionally come across items from the old newspapers filled with interesting and useful facts and good writing.
The first item below—As the English See Us—appeared in the Vancouver Daily World on January 30, 1891, more than 116 years ago. We’ve broken the text into more paragraphs to make it more readable; the upper-case subheadings are as originally printed.
Following this item is a fascinating reminiscence by Vancouver businessman C.D. Rand that appeared in the Vancouver Daily Province on September 21, 1907.
When we come across other items that combine useful information with skill in the telling we’ll add them to this Discoveries page.

British Columbia’s First Excursion Trip
Mr. C.D. Rand Tells of Trip on First Railway Train West of the Rockies—-In the Days of the Port Moody Boom.
!["Off For Sechelt" [S.S. "Sechelt"]](https://vancouverhistory.ca/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/301eedda-8cbb-4506-aee5-9d4f17f403d8-A24242-392x272.jpg)
As the English See Us
This article, descriptive of Vancouver and British Columbia from the pen of T.H. Moore, of Liscard, England, appeared in a recent issue of the Wallasey and Wirral Chronicle. It contains in brief form some very pertinent remarks on the Pacific Province of Canada…